Graphic Design
As a graphic designer I follow a series of steps before I can begin the actual design work. I have developed this process over the years of experience to ensure I deliver exactly what the client needs. This simple but yet effective process allows me to create visual concepts which communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate
Any design project for a client has to fit a specific set of requirements, so it's only natural that the process to figure out what client needs to produce an effective output is based on a logical flow.
“There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.” – Milton Glaser
Stage 1
The Brief
- Client Meeting and Brief Analysis
- Market Research
- Mood Boarding
- Brainstorming
- Concept and refinement
Stage 2
- Three concept presentation to the client
- Client review and further refinement
- Final review and edits
Stage 3
- Sourcing production
- Creating a mock-up and/or testing
- Time to launch
Print Media
Flyers & Brochures
Magazine Design
Newspaper Ads
Menu Design
Corporate Identity
Logo Design
Business Cards
E-mail Signatures
Signage Design
Other designs
T-Shirt design
Apparel design
Resume / CV design
Sticker Design
PowerPoint Design
Packaging Design